Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What Was I Thinking?

Proverbs 14:29
Whoever is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly.

Saturday, our family's dishwasher caught fire. It had a good life, a number of years of service, and was generally dying a slow death anyway. Saturday night/Sunday I did some research and Sunday afternoon, while at Lowe's to purchase Kelley's Mother's Day flowers (to plant with the kids) we purchased a dishwasher.

Monday after work, Kelley called me to tell me that our brand new dishwasher was just sitting outside our house. How could this be? We paid an addition $105. to have our new dishwasher installed in our house..... No one had called me to set up an appointment to install. You mean to tell me that we dropped $500 on this new dishwasher and these guys had just left it sitting outside my house? Boy, I was livid. So, I headed to Lowe's to "straighten this whole thing out."

I marched straight back to the appliance section of Lowes. Before I was finished telling my story, two sales associates (including the one that had sold me the dishwasher Sunday), the delivery manager, and the store manager were surrounding me. They were captive to my rant. "Someone here has lost their mind," I proclaimed. "Maybe $500 isn't much to you guys, but that's a lot of money to me." I had caused a stir, maybe even a scene.

"Are you sure it's your dishwasher?" they asked. "Yes!" I exclaimed, "but I'll get my wife on the phone to make sure. The group huddled ever closer. "We don't show in our computer that we've delivered anything to your address," they continued.

"Honey, will you go outside and look at the box? Are you certain that it says 'Whirlpool' on there?" "Make sure there is a white Lowes delivery sticker on there."

"Oops, John, I'm so sorry. This box is our new sand filter for our swimming pool."

Red-faced, I apologized, tucked my tail and left embarassed and humbled. I believe there's a lesson for me here......

1 comment:

  1. Yes, my brother,there is a lesson for you and all of us..and here it is. We are not entitled for things to go well for us. A matter of fact, on any given day if we suffer less than Christ did on the cross, it is mercy. We deserve hell, but Christ took what we deserved so we could have what He deserved. And more than that, the righteousness of Christ has been imputed to us. God did not just bring the Garden of Eden scene back into good standing, He made Him to be sin that knew no sin so we could be the righteousness of God...and we are!! If we would meditate on this, as well as preach the gospel to ourselves daily, it would not matter if Lowes delivered our dishwasher on the roof.

    Love you brother!
