Tuesday, April 21, 2009

God calls Merrell

So.... the first entry. I've got to share with anyone who will read this my reason for entering the world o' blog. God has directly answered my most frequent prayer request to Him. God has opened my oldest daughter's heart, mind, and ears. On Sunday, April 19, 2009, Merrell told me that she is a sinner in need of a savior, and that she wants to "ask Jesus to live in her heart." I've gotta say, God allowed me to see a progression of events that afforded me some opportunities to see His plan unfolding. Quite simply, I'm amazed. I have felt joy like never before.

On Good Friday, Scott Packett (my friend and pastor), decided that at Idlewild Baptist Church, we'd do a very "un-Baptist" thing. We asked people to put Jesus ahead of tradition. We would worship Him, celebrate His precious blood, and praise Him for His sacrifice which was planned before the dawn of time. God had big plans for that night, awaking the dead soul of my daughter Merrell. During the service, Merrell took some notes (please read on).

Now this is profound for several reasons:

1.) It was an 'accident' that Merrell had paper and a writing utensil. We've been studying God's providence in the book of Ruth. Well, I got to see it in a very small way that night. During the service, my 2 year old son, Drew began to act out. Frustrated, my wife placed her Bible and journal in Merrell's lap so that she could wrangle the little satanic booger. Neither of us paid attention to what Merrell was writing during the service, but were humbled, moved to emotion, and driven to our knees by what our eldest had written. I quote, "I am nothing but sin. They nailed Him to a cross. Jesus is my everything."

2.) Every day I pray that my children will see themselves for who they are and see God for who He is. I know and understand that God hears and answers prayers, but this time He chose to work in a tender-hearted, incredibly bright, very curious little 6-year old (who also happens to be my daughter).

3.) This was umprompted by her mother or me. Scott's message that night, as always, was completely gospel driven and centered. As a pastor, Scott sticks true to His Biblical responsibility to instill in the members' hearts a deep understanding of our need for Jesus, and encouragement to constantly, intentionally seek Him...... experience Him. Unbelievably, this is also the reason he is mostly widely persecuted. He tells us we're sinners. Well let me be the first to stand up and scream praises to My Savior, Jesus Christ, and His Holy Spirit, thanking Him for my pastor. While some religious people scowl with disdain, Scott lovingly tells us how desparate he is for Jesus, and seeks to instill this attribute in us, my daughter heard someone besides her mother and me tell her about how desparate we are for Jesus. She picked up on the most important message she could ever hear.

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