Friday, June 5, 2009

Shut in With the Trinity?!

Again, today, my blog post is prompted by my lesson from Spurgeon's book of devotionals called "Morning by Morning". Spurgeon is able to dissect scripture in an amazing way an pull out application implications that I would overlook every time. Today, Genesis 7:16: And those that entered, male and female of all flesh, went in as God had commanded in him. And the Lord shut him in. Now, this scripture comes directly from the account of Noah and the great flood. Having been through the D. Platt curriculum on how to study the Bible, I know that it can be a dangerous practice to assign implied meaning to scripture that is simply telling a story, but Spurgeon eloquently draws a parallel picture without distorting the historical exclusivity of this passage.

When God calls us out, transforms out hearts and souls, and justifies us before the Father, he shuts us in. We are shut in and protected from our former passions. We are shut in, or perhaps ushered into communion with the Father, Son, and Spirit. Yes, the infinitely glorious, ultimate joy-possessing, completely perfect Trinity. We are shut in to the possibility of experiencing joy greater than our old nature could ever know. HALLELUJAH! WHAT A SAVIOR (Bob Kauflin's Hymn Project is playing in my ear as I type). When sanctification begins, we are at war with our former nature. But, like Noah, we are shut in and protected from raging storms. While the winds of trials and temptation blow us off our navigated course, we are protected from the debris that these winds stir up. And flood waters lift us closer to Heaven. God's elect dwell in Him, and Him in us.

I imagine myself in this shut-in state with God the Father. His son, Jesus, my Savior protecting me from the Father's wrath and allowing me to feel their love. The Holy Spirit permeating this fellowship like a cool breeze. Imagine the joy and peace, the satisfaction and true contentment that comes from this experience. I pray for the ability to experience this fellowship daily as Jesus' blood prompts sanctification and a stronger desire/need for it. By faith, let us proclaim victory in Him and own this fellowship daily as we wade through the floods of life.


  1. Thanks brother for a great reminder and may we walk through this day with the freedom of being shut it. I like to think that he has shut us in and protects us from finding ultimate pleasure in lesser things. We are only truly satisfied in His treasure...HIMSELF. Amazing grace how sweet the sound!

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  3. This is wonderful news! To know that I am adopted into the fellowship of the Trinity, and am allowed to find satisfying pleasure there anything better than this? With this knowledge may we live this truth out daily. May God grant us mercy to experience this, and may we seek this pleasure instead of those that do not satisfy. Thanks John.
